FEATURES Creatacrm

A full range of our features can be FOUND BY CLICKING HERE but feel free to read over the summary of features.

CRM System

CreataCRM first and foremost is a CRM/xRM system. It has been designed to manage your Business and the day to day acivities including client management, staff management, documenataion, activities & workflows.

Email Marketing

CreataCRM is an Email Marketing tool. So for the small price of $12 per user, you're getting both a robust CRM system and and Email Marketing tool in the one centralised location.

Data Management

Storage of Client, Staff & Business Data all in the one centralised location. This includes storage of all activities and client related notes. Data export fast data retrieval. Holding all business intelligence securely and making it remotely accessible whereever you choose to work.

Client Management

This includes all activities pertaining to client dealings. Also the creation of groups, companies and divisions. Creation of accounts and scheduling those activites for staff to manage clients better and track the movements with clients dealings ongoing.

Staff/Team Management

Far greater accountibility of staff and management of their daily activities. Ability to assigm jobs via calendars and manages dail schedules.


Providing comprehensive business status reports and the ability to further customise those specific and desired reports.


CreataCRM has the ability to integrate with your external systems. Whether that is a software system installed locally or a website where you're gathering leads, the system lends itself well to gather information from a number of different places and centralise it.

Accessibility & Mobility

Whatever your device is, CreataCRm is able to be accessed and used. Liberating you as the business owner/employee.

Industry Specific Possibilities

CreataCRM has both standard and customisable features. The possiblities are really quite limitless. We can ensure that your budget is protected but if you have the budget to really push the system, it lends itself wonderfully to being pushed.

Sales Activities

CreataCRM allows you real ease of tracking and monitoring your sales activites from an initital prospect through to a close of sale and the post sales activities. All contained in one centralised location.


Yes all your documents can be securely stored in the one central lcoation inside CreataCRM. Ease of access and either securely or publically accessible..