Email Marketing with ACT!
ACT! by SAGE links nicely with the Email Marketing utility called Swiftpage. Together, you are empowered to send out vibrant emails at will. The control is ALWAYS yours!! Swiftpage works similar to most Email Marketing Utilities. Simply choose the package that suits your needs and budget, link it to ACT!, prepare your email design and send!
We can assist you to achieve the following:
- Design branded email templates for an effective email marketing campaign.
- Teach you how to use Swiftpage with ACT!
- Use add tools to schedule campaigns to auto send.
- Assist in creating a call list from your marketing campaigns.
- Assist you in ranking your clients.
- Assist you manage your customer lists.
- Provide necessary training to assist you in meeting your marketing objectives.
to contact Vanessa about HTML Emails
Or Here to visit Norwest Graphic Design for even more information
E-marketing inside of ACT!
ACT! E-marketing provides tools to reach and build your contacts effectively via email. Develop wonderful graphical emails and send them directly through your ACT! database.
Why not sign up for a 60-day Trial? Click Here to find out more!